Oct 1, 2012

MasterChef Indonesia - Season 2

Who will survive on MasterChef Indonesia Season 2 ?

Gone are the days when cooking was regarded as just for housewives. It’s the new swing that everybody dances to.Ordinary plating? Forget it. Now more people want to learn about garnishing and how to appreciate food on suitable tableware. MasterChef is changing the way people see chefs as a professional career. Parents are no longer defensive upon hearing their children’s decisions to enroll in cooking schools and boyfriends who cook are starting to look hotter. Success in attracting an audience has brought the second season of MasterChef Indonesia to RCTI this year. Producer Adam Sugriwo promises to bring “a bolder, bigger and better” spectacle to the show that is expected to return to the air on July 8. “This season is about heart. There will be touching scenes and emotions such as happiness and sadness. The bond between the judges and the participants will be greater,” he told The Jakarta Post.
 As in the first season, the second series will have three judges, but this time Vindex Valentino Tengker will be replaced by Degan Septoadji Suprijadi, a former executive chef of the Banyan Tree Bangkok in Thailand with almost 30 years of experience. Adam said that this year, Vindex had a tight schedule that could not fit into the daily shooting routine of MasterChef Indonesia. Degan was chosen for his expertise in the culinary and hospitality industry in Indonesia and abroad. The two other judges are Rinrin Marinka, a graduate of Le Cordon Bleu Australia, and Junior “Juna” Rorimpandey, who has 14 years of culinary experience in the US. Adam said the second season of the show would also give a close look at Juna’s deeper passion in transferring his knowledge to participants. Known for his sharp tongue and criticism, Juna has been loved and hated by the audience and participants. The man said he hoped participants can get a glimpse of the hardships in the industry. “I want to put into their mind that the first thing they should have in this industry is discipline. Not many people know that professional kitchen is militaristic,” he said.“I believe that nothing is impossible for people who put 100 percent of their mind into something. I am living proof,” he said.Originally aired by UK’s BBC, MasterChef has appeared in several versions, such as the original MasterChef series, MasterChef: The Professionals for working chefs, Celebrity MasterChef for public figures and Junior MasterChef for children. The show — dedicated to people aged between 18 and 60 who have a passion for cooking — has inspired spin-offs in 20 countries, including Indonesia. In the Indonesian version, 60 out of thousands of people were chosen during auditions in four major cities. The contestants later went through an elimination process in preliminary episodes, leaving 30 and later 20 participants with the right to wear the white MasterChef aprons. Adam said the second season would cover topics not shown in the first season, such as the drama of the audition process, where the 60 participants would be reduced to 30. “We will have a boot camp that selects those who really have the basic skills. The top 20 participants will enter a gallery that is more luxurious than the first season last year,” he said. Unlike Australia’s MasterChef, which airs some training sessions from prominent chefs, Adam said the training sessions in MasterChef Indonesia would be off air. Juna said he had no certain expectations for the participants, but he wants to make sure that those who make it into the top five deserve the position.“Whatever the motivations that bring the participants here, they need to know that they enter my industry. This is a reality show focusing on the cooking world — my world — and I can tell which ones really want to work in the kitchen,” he said.

Jejak Kaki Yang Bermakna


Alkisah, ada sepasang suami istri yang sangat mengharapkan kehadiran seorang anak. Setelah melalui berbagai macam usaha dan waktu yang lama, akhirnya mereka dikaruniakan seorang putera yang berparas tampan. Say
angnya, si anak menderita kelainan bawaan yaitu penyusutan otot sehingga berdampak pada kaki yang lemah yang tidak cukup kuat untuk menopang tubuh yang bertumbuh.

Kata dokter, "Bapak, ibu. Tidak ada cara lain untuk membuat putera Anda kelak bisa berdiri dan berjalan sendiri, yaitu dengan membiarkan dia berjalan dan melakukan segala sesuatunya sendiri. Anda berdua harus tega demi masa depannya. Itu satu-satunya jalan jika kelak ingin melihatnya bisa berjalan sendiri".

Sejak saat itu, dengan penuh sayang dan hati yang pedih, mereka setiap hari harus melihat putera kesayangan bersusah payah belajar berjalan, terjatuh, sakit, kadang terluka hingga menangis dan kemudian harus mulai bangkit dan berjalan lagi. Begitu seterusnya.

Suatu hari, saat si anak berusia 9 tahun, terjadi peristiwa yang cukup tragis. Hari itu, udara begitu dingin, salju turun dengan cukup lebat. Jarak dari rumah ke sekolah kira-kira 1 kilometer. Saat sekolah usai, si anak sangat berharap orang tuanya akan datang menjemput dan membantunya berjalan pulang. Ditunggu-tunggu dengan cemas, hingga sekolah sepi, orangtuanya tak kunjung tiba. Hati anak itu pun dipenuhi dengan kekecewaan, kemarahan dan kebencian.

"Papa Mama kejam. Jahat. Tidak sayang padaku. Membiarkan aku menderita. Aku benci mereka!!" sambil mengertakkan gigi, dia pun berjalan pulang dengan langkah terseok-seok. Jalanan tertutup oleh salju dan itu sangat menyulitkan untuk mengatur langkah kakinya yang lemah. Setapak demi setapak. Berkali-kali dia jatuh, kesakitan, memar dan bahkan berdarah. Setiap kali terjatuh, hatinya semakin sakit dan kebencian kepada orang tuanya makin membara. Tekad di dadanya bulat untuk membenci orangtuanya seumur hidup.

Akhirnya...si anak tiba di depan rumah. Saat pintu dibukakan, ayah dan ibunya segera memeluk sambil menangis. "Anakku, kamu hebat sekali! Kami tahu kamu sangat menderita, kami melihat dari jauh setiap langkah dan kejatuhanmu, maafkan ayah dan ibu yang tidak membantumu. Tapi lihatlah ke belakang....bekas tapak kakimu di atas salju....dan itu adalah tapak kakimu sendiri, Nak. Kamu sendiri, berhasil melalui perjalanan sulit hari ini.

Ingat Nak, hari-harimu ke depan masih panjang dan tidak mudah, tetapi dengan kemampuanmu hari ini, papa mama yakin dan percaya, kamu akan bisa melaluinya, dengan percaya diri dan tanpa perlu bertopang kepada orang lain".

Si anak pun segera larut dalam tangis bahagia. Karena ternyata orang tuanya bukannya tidak menyayanginya tetapi mereka menunjukkan kasih sayang dengan membiarkan berjalan sendiri menyongsong masa depan yang akan dilaluinya nanti.

Sahabat SL-Books yang terkasih,

Kita sebagai orangtua, ketika anak mengalami kesulitan cobalah untuk membiarkan mereka berdiri dan menemukan solusi. Biarkan mereka belajar dan berusaha. Justru keberanian untuk menanggung setiap kesulitan yang dihadapilah yang akan menjadikan anak kita sebagai pribadi yang tangguh, mantap, percaya diri, dan bertanggung jawab.

Hingga kelak, tanpa kita, mereka akan bertumbuh sebagai manusia yang kuat dalam menghadapi problem yang muncul dan bisa menjadi pemenang dalam mengarungi lautan kehidupan ini.

Artikel ini kiriman Sdr Hasan (Jakarta)

Link Facebook Sdr Hasan ->http://www.facebook.com/kumpulan.kata

-Footprints which means-as the story, there are a pair of husband and wife is the presence of a child. After going through all kinds of efforts and a long time, eventually they had a son who was looking handsome. Unfortunately, the child suffered from a congenital disorder that is the shrinking muscles so that the impact on the weak legs are not strong enough to sustain the body grow.

The doctor said, "the father, the mother. There is no other way to make Your son would be up and running by yourself, that is by letting him run and do things on their own. You both must bear for the sake of his future. It is the only way if would like to see it can walk on its own ".

Since then, with great compassion and heart a poignant, they each day should see the Prince's favourite trouble learning to walk, falling over, pain, hurt and cry and then have to start to get up and walk again. So onward.

One day, when the child was 9 years old, there was a fairly tragic event. That day, the air is so cold, it snowed quite heavily. The distance from home to school is approximately 1 kilometer. When school ended, the child is hoping his parents will come pick up and help her walk home. The eagerly awaited anxiously, to the deserted school, his parents never arrived. The boy's heart was filled with disappointment, anger and hatred.

"Papa Mama cruel. Evil. Don't pity me. Let me suffer. I hate them!!!! "while gritting his teeth, he was walking home with fell. The streets covered by the snow and it was very difficult to organize the footsteps that are weak. Step by step. Many times she falls, pain, bruising and even bleed. Each time the drop, his heart is getting hurt and resentment towards his parents was smoldering. Determination on her chest round to hate their parents for life.

Finally ... the child arrives at the home front. When the door opened, the father and mother immediately embraced and wept. "My son, you are fabulous! We know you suffered, we saw from afar every step and Feller, excuse my fathers and mothers who do not find helpful. But look at it backwards ... the former footprint of your feet in the snow .... and that is your own footprint, son. You yourselves, managed through the difficult journey today.

Remember son, your days ahead is still long and not easy, but with the kemampuanmu today, papa mama sure and believe, you will get through it, with confidence and without leaning to others ".

The son immediately dissolves in tears. As it turned out her parents not favored but they show affection by letting run its own future that will meet their path later.

PAL SL-Books beloved, we as parents, when the son of experiencing difficulties try to let them stand up and find a solution. Let them learn and strive. Thus the courage to endure any hardships that a dihadapilah will make our child as a person who is tough, steady, confident, and responsible.

Until later, without us, they would grow as the strong man in the face of emerging problems and can become a winner in wading through a sea of this life.

This article submissions Sdr Hasan (Jakarta) Link Facebook Sdr Hasan-http://www.facebook.com/kumpulan.kata > (Translated by Bing)

Sep 11, 2012

PLEASE E-MAIL ME: v_valent@hotmail.com

Sep 5, 2012

The Square Happiness

It is the so-called Opera cake strawberry flavor, they also have another fruit cake flavor. It is 18 in. It is “ square ” features, and pastry tonki cultivated over 30 years and of Hokkaido whipped cream and sponge is a further characteristic! 
So Yummy ^_^ .......................

Sweet child o' mine

She's got a smile it seems to me

Reminds me of childhood memories
Where everything
Was as fresh as the bright blue sky
Now and then when I see her face
She takes me away to that special place
And if I'd stare too long
I'd probably break down and cry

Oh, oh, oh
Sweet child o' mine
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Sweet love of mine

She's got eyes of the bluest skies
As if they thought of rain
I hate to look into those eyes
And see an ounce of pain
Her hair reminds me of a warm safe place
Where as a child I'd hide
And pray for the thunder
And the rain
To quietly pass me by

Oh, oh, oh
Sweet child o' mine
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Sweet love of mine

Where do we go?
Where do we go now?
Where do we go?
Oh, oh
Where do we go?

No, no, no, no, no, no
Sweet child,
Sweet child of mine.

Jesus Daily

Does your heart belong to JESUS?

"Life will break you. Nobody can protect you from that, and living alone won't either, for solitude will also break you with its yearning. You have to love. You have to feel. It is the reason you are here on earth. You are here to risk your heart. You are here to be swallowed up. And when it happens that you are broken, or betrayed, or left, or hurt, or death brushes near, let yourself sit by an apple tree and listen to the apples falling all around you in heaps, wasting their sweetness. Tell yourself you tasted as many as you could.” 

Today's Favorite Quotes

We need to give each other the space to grow, to be ourselves, to exercise our diversity. 
We need to give each other space so that we may both give and receive such beautiful things as ideas, openness, dignity, joy, healing, and inclusion. 

Life is an opportunity, benefit from it.
Life is beauty, admire it.
Life is a dream, realize it.
Life is a challenge, meet it.
Life is a duty, complete it.
Life is a game, play it.
Life is a promise, fulfill it.
Life is sorrow, overcome it.
Life is a song, sing it.
Life is a struggle, accept it.
Life is a tragedy, confront it.
Life is an adventure, dare it.
Life is luck, make it.
Life is too precious, do not destroy it.
Life is life, fight for it.” 
― Mother Teresa

Rainbow Cake in Jar

Rainbow Cake in Jar
  • 1 box white cake mix made according to package instructions
  • Neon food coloring in pink, yellow, green, turquoise, and purple
  • 3 one-pint canning jars
  • 1 can vanilla frosting
  • Rainbow sprinkles
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Thoroughly wash and dry the inside of each canning jar. Spray the inside of each jar thoroughly with nonstick cooking spray. Set aside.
Scoop about 1/2 cups of cake batter into five small bowls. It doesn’t have to be perfect, don’t panic if you get a little more of less of one color than another.  Tint each bowl of cake batter with the food coloring until very vibrant.
Spoon about 3 tablespoons of the purple batter into the bottom of each jar.  Spoon equal amounts of turquoise batter, then green, yellow, and pink.  Place the jars in a shallow baking dish, add about 1/4″ in water in the baking dish. Place the baking dish in the oven and bake for 30-35 minutes.
Remove jars and allow to cool completely before scooping a small portion from the top of your cake and adding a hefty dollop of vanilla buttercream to the top. Sprinkle & serve, or cover with a lid and store in the fridge or pop into the mail & surprise someone you love!
POST EDIT: Several commenters have indicated that the cake is not cooking all the way through in the 30-35 minutes indicated in the recipe.  This was enough time for our cake, but I’m cooking at high altitudes, and my oven tends to bake hot.  So, I’d recommend baking the cake for 40 minutes, then return it to the oven if it still doesn’t spring back to the touch when you check to see if it’s finished.  As for the cake puffing up and out of it’s bottle, ours did that a bit, as well.  Easy fix. We just scooped a bit of the cake out to make room for the frosting and wiped the outside of our jars clean.  Several people have indicated that the wide-mouthed mason jars work a little better for this purpose.  I’ve not yet baked with wide-mouthed. What you see above is what was baked in my kitchen according to the recipe instructions, and what came out of the oven when it was all.   Of course, if you’re feeling wildly impatient, you can also zap the cake in the microwave for 2 minutes.  It’s going to bubble up, for sure, but you can scoop the top part of that cake out, frost it, and no one will ever be the wiser. Good luck, everyone! This is such a fun cake. My kids went nuts over it, and I hope it works as beautifully for you as it did for us!